Focus. Launch. Perform.

Driven by our commitment to our clients, this proprietary process ensures that Optis-led Source-to-Pay projects are optimized for success and sustainability.
Learn more about Source-to-Pay >


Unbiased Strategy
Gain a competitive advantage by selecting the right technology, guided by an objective partner that knows the market inside and out.
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Precision Implementation
Team up with our Source-to-Pay Architects to launch with precision, maximize adoption, and power results.
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Value Realization
Recognize that excellence demands continuous attention. Lock in your competitive advantage with our support.
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Focus in Action:
The Critical First Step

Leverage our expert advice to pick the right solution, then roll it out in the most strategic way. Source-to-Pay projects are high-stakes, one-shot initiatives, so timing and momentum are critical. We make it easy to take the first step with us and get to the right answer quickly, so this phase pays for itself in reduced risk and speed to value.

  • Objectively select the software that fits your needs.
  • Skip the $2m PowerPoint and bloated transformation phase.
  • Trust that your expected savings and benefits are realistic.
  • Move fast, gain momentum, and keep your eye on the prize.


  • Strategy and Business Case
  • Maturity Assessment
  • Selected Software
  • Systems Architecture
  • Implementation Roadmap
  • ROI and Benefits Realization Plan
See how Focus is different to a typical Phase 0 >


Launch in Action:
Speed to Value

A well-framed Source-to-Pay project avoids pitfalls, yields a competitive advantage, and sustains momentum.

Our proprietary Frame methodology and purpose-built teams are proven to deliver projects on time, on budget, and on-scope. Partner with us to build momentum and ensure project success from mobilization, through go-live, and into sustainment.

  • Tailor software to your business needs while adopting our prescribed best practices.
  • Upgrade how you do business with your suppliers.
  • Light up an integrated platform with your existing enterprise systems.
  • Guarantee the highest levels of adoption and end-user experience.
  • Empower your organization to continuously mature its supply chain.
  • Reduce supply chain risk while maximizing savings and quality.
  • Capture value quickly and sustainably over time.
  • Benchmark your success to industry leaders.


  • Implementation Plan
  • Design Documentation
  • Test Results and Traceability
  • Integrations to Enterprise Systems
  • Deployed Software
  • Change Management and Training
  • Supplier Enablement
  • Sustainment Plan
  • Hypercare
  • ROI and Benefits Realization Report
See Launch in action >


Perform in Action:
Continuous Improvement

Guarantee your solution and business processes mature in lockstep with your organization and the technology’s pace of change. Retain the expert knowledge and support you need to sustain value and maintain your competitive edge.

  • Keep your foot on the gas.
  • Prevent post-project letdown with total end-user and supplier adoption.
  • Lower total cost of ownership (TCO).
  • Ensure your investment with cost certainty.
  • Influence the software partner’s technology roadmap.
  • Remain at the forefront of industry and technology trends.


  • Platform Administration
  • Software Upgrades and Releases
  • Platform Enhancements and New Features
  • Augmented or Full Help Desk
  • Supplier Enablement
  • Sourcing and Category Management Execution
  • Benchmarking to Industry and Best-In-Class
  • ROI and Benefits Realization Reporting
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